When connected by 4G LTE wireless technology, the speed and signal strength depend on many factors, such as landscape, distance from the base station, its congestion, etc.
In order for you to be convinced of the quality of the signal and the reliable functioning of the equipment, we provide a test period of 10 days. If the parameters of the service do not meet your requirements, you can return the equipment within 10 days and get back all the money spent on paying for telecommunication services and rent (purchase of a router).
If you have any questions about the quality and work of the Internet, please contact our call center for additional diagnostics before making a decision to disconnect.
If you still decide to disconnect from our services during the test period, then this can be done in two ways:
1. Bring the equipment to our office on your own, write an application and a refund.
2. Write an application, send photos of signed applications to us by e-mail [email protected] or Viber, Telegram. Based on the photographs of the applications, we will call you a free courier visit to pick up the equipment and the originals of the applications.
If you are connected with your router, then you need to send the SIM-card and original applications by regular mail to our office.
You will find detailed information on termination and examples of applications in our article on how to terminate a contract.
Subscribe to the mobile application:: Viber, Telegram.
And also follow the latest news in our Telegram channel.
If you have any questions - write to us or call 777 82 82 (any mobile operator).