IMPORTANT! Before deciding to terminate the contract, please contact our technical support. If you suddenly noticed low speed, then in most cases this is not cause of the work of the provider, but cause of the congestion of Wi-Fi coverage in the house, cable damage, computer settings, etc. We will promptly help and send you a technical specialist!
Dear Clients!
We hope to continue our cooperation and that is why we want to pay your attention to several important points if you want to choose another provider.
1) Please be sure that you read carefully the terms of the contract, especially when participating in various promotions, cause it can contain some hidden conditions, for example:
- the period of obligatory use of services for 12 months or more with penalties for early termination, which are often not even mentioned when provider sell services;
-Obligatory extra services, although they could be refused. You may not even know that you will have such services connected, but pay for it monthly.
2) Pay attention to the standards of service, in particular, the availability of the call center, the availability of a technical support call to the house. To do this, we recommend trying to call the support of another operator and find out when and how you can call the specialist, for example, to lay a cable between devices in an apartment. Also pay attention to the waiting time on the line.
To terminate the contract, users must write an application:
1) You can do it in our office: at the address: 220045, Belarus, Minsk, st. E. Gedroitsa 14, pom. 181,
The owner of the contract must come with a passport.
2) You can do it e-mail: fill out the application form and sign it, send a photo or scan to our e-mail: [email protected]
Please note that the application must contain current passport data, if the passport has changed since the conclusion of the contract, then you need to send a photo / scan of the last page of the passport.
If you have a router in use or rent, it need to send or bring it to our office by post.
Your account will be completely disabled only after receiving the router in a complete set (in the case of rent, gratuitous use), the application and without debt at your account.
If you relocate and know the contact of new tenants who also want to become our clients, please give us their contacts to us for communication. We will definitely thank you in the form of 5000 bonuses. Also, please note that we may be able to offer you a connection at a new address!
We hope you make the right choice!
Our operators and technical specialists will definitely try to do everything possible to improve the quality of our services, as well as help you choose the right tariff for you. We are waiting for your call! :)
Example of application for "United Networks"
Example of application for a refund of LLC "United Networks"
Example of application for a refund
If you have any questions - write to us or call 777 82 82 (any mobile operator).